
Chapter 2 of Magical Moon out in public!

So there it is - chapter 2 is out!

Go to: http://novellesamleren.blogspot.com/#!/2012/04/novelle-148-magical-moon-af-annette.html to read both chapter 1 and 2. It's story 167.

It feels very good to publish it, only I have no idea if people actually read it??
If you do, please make a comment about what you think. It means the world to me. You can either do it on the blog, here or maybe even on facebook if you like.
Hey, feel free to yell it on every street corner or from the top of every tall building you pass - let people know it's out there - spread the word :-)

Thanks :-)



Magical Moon is getting published


It finally happened.

Magical Moon is getting published. Not the way I hoped - in a book - but in a blog where everyone can read it for free.
And I hope as many of my friends and family and their friends and family will read it. So tell everyone you know, spred the word :-)

One chapter will be published a month, starting with chapter one - Accident - today.

Go take a look and give me a comment on the blog if you like it or not.

Thanks :-)

Enjoy everyone!!

xoxo Annette


Nye tider??

Mon man skulle prøve sig med lidt danske noveller i stedet for en engelsk roman eller tre?

Jeg har i hvert fald meldt mig ind i en gruppe, der hedder: novellesamleren.blogspot.com, hvor man kan lægge sine historier ind og få dem læst af gud og hver mand - måske endda enkelte forlag eller agents, hvis man er heldig :-)

Jeg tænker, jeg prøver lykken, så fremover vil jeg prøve at komme med et par historier - og har endda talt med ejeren om at udgive Magical Moon på hans side - et kapitel af gangen, et i måneden... Det er jo en fantastisk idé - dog er MM jo på engelsk, sååå mon der er nogen som gider læse det? På den anden side kunne det jo også vække en vis interesse, at jeg er det mere anderledes??

It's worth a shot, I think :-)

Stay tuned... I'll be back soon :-)



Finally getting published

I just put last hand on "En helt almindelig onsdag" (An ordinary Wednesday) yesterday and sent it off to the publisher - Virabooks.

I can't believe I'm finally getting published. This is a dream come true - even if it is just a small short story. It's the beginning to something bigger, I'm sure.

Since I don't have to worry about my short story anymore, I've gone back to editing Magical Moon. So far, I have split chapter one into two chapters. It's better that way. They're shorter, more exciting and easier to read.

It's a lot of work, but I'm sure it's worth it. The agents didn't want it when it had long chapters but when I'm finished with splitting them up and cutting away all the boring stuff, I'm sure they'll line up to represent me.

And if they don't, then I'll seriously consider self- publishing it as an e-book.
It's great to return to MM after being away from it for so long. I can deffinitely see all the wrongs.
I do wish I didn't have to work so much on MM because I so want to continue with MW. It's waiting for me in the back of my head but I do want to complete MM first and get it out there - again!
I'm thinking that I will be done with the first editing of MM in three months and then I just have to polish it.
After that, I can go back to MW - finally :-)
Well, that was all for now.

In just four days, I'll be off on holiday to Turkey - Yay!! I really need that...

Till next time.



Fantastic news!!

Hi all,

Remember I told you about the writing contest I was entering? I wrote the short story: An Ordinary Wednesday (in Danish: En Helt Almindelig Onsdag)
Well, I won!!! How cool is that?
Now I'm actually getting published, and soon I can call myself a REAL writer :-)

I just can't get over how cool it is to get published, it's like it's not actually real until I get the book in hand (or online as it is since it's only getting published as an e-book)
I won't be making any money (just 5% I think) but that doesn't matter, that's not the reason why I did it. I never thought I would win even though it is a great story - Guess I do have talent!

And, I have more great news!
Just got the Magical Moon manuscript back from Jannie Solaas - my amazing editor - and she loved it. I do have some editing and rewriting to do - but that is just normal. Even the great writers have to do that... And it's not even that much work. I did really good - hooray for talent :-) '

I truly found my calling!! ¨¨

Now, let's just hope that with this short story getting published, it'll open new and bigger doors so that the next thing I get published will be Magical Moon.

Like I said a thousand times before - I will never give up!

Magical Moon and Magical World are two amazing books (or they will be) on the same level as maybe even Twilight and The house of Night series - if I must say so myself; and I do!

Well, no more great news for now.

As soon as I have the release date for my short story, I'll let you know, so stay tuned :-)
(And don't forget to follow me on twitter and facebook)



Chapter 7 - Magical World

Hello hello,

Chapter 7 is coming along quite smoothly - I guess putting it away for a while helped me get over that wall I hit a while back. Anyways, I got half a chapter already and know exactly (or almost exactly) how the rest of this chapter is going to turn out.
Participating in that short story competition has got my fingers dancing again :-)

I went to a lecture at the local library this Saturday. It was pretty good - even though they didn't say anything I didn't already know. However, it was fun to hear about how the three authers got into writing, and how they first got published - boy does it take a looooot of work + a huge bucket of patience (which I do not have much of - patience that is, I am willing to work hard though!)

This one new auther told us about how she had gotten noticed at http://www.saxo.dk/ by participating in a lot of competitions. She's currently writing her second book in a trilogy (the publisher has the first in for editing now) and the publisher (Tellerup) will not publish her book until she's written the whole trilogy - so she's pretty busy right now, writing two more books before her first can come out - but at least she has a contract.... Something I want too - in case you didn't notice ;-)

So, I guess finishing Magical World will put me in a better postition with the agents rather than with only one book ready. (As it is now, this will be a duo - Magical Moon + Magical World - but an idea for a third is in the back of my head - Magical Girl!)

I just want to finish Magical World first and then wait a little while with a possible third book, because I really want to finish my book for adults too (The Kiss of Death)

Wow, I have lots and lots of plans... Ambitious, I know, but I can do it, I know I can - and I will get an agent one day - soon!!!

Oh jeez, look at the time... time for bed.
Till next time (will probably finish ch 7 within the next two/three days - let ya know!)

Oh, and by the way, many congrats to one of my best friend - and now mommy to adorable Kasie - Annika. I love you babe :-)



My Short Story

Exciting news :-)

I just e-mailed my short story to Virabooks, the publisher who is running the competition together with forfattervaerk.net.
Deadline isn't until April 19, but the story is finished so no point in waiting! It'll only drive me crazy to have it laying around.
It's called: En helt almindelig onsdag - An ordinary Wednesday.

I promise you, if it doesn't get to be one of the ten stories to go into the e-book, I will publish it here for you all to read - if you like, no pressure LOL!!!
(it's in Danish, but I can easily translate it if anyone would like me to)

And now, I will continue with Magical World...
Till next time.
