
How is it going?

Might some of you be thinking - Well, you and me both... I've been turned down three times now, which really isn't much considering what I'm expecting, and I'm still waiting for an answer from three other agencies. I'm not expecting much, but I'm not giving up either. I'm going to get my books published!!!

So, what am I doing in the meantime??
Well, as I wrote in my last post, I'm working on Magical Moon 2. Lately, I've been really tired when I've come home from work, and with all the house/kids work as well, I haven't had much energy left for writing. It makes me so sad that I haven't been able to write much, but what can I do, I can't split myself into multiple peole and do many things at once.

Writing takes some concentration, and when you're exhausted, the writing suffers... Instead of writing every night, I have been concentrating on only writing whenever I was up for it - when I just couldn't keep my hands away from the computer, and my brain became so full of thoughts, I just had to write them down.
So far, MM2 has just about two hole chapters in total - I'm jumping a little back and forth. Chapter one is completely done, ch two is about half done and so is ch four.

So it's coming along pretty good, considering my lack of energy lately. Hopefully, it will return after my operation on Thursday... No more pain I hope!!!

Buuuut, it's not just all "bad" news! :-) I am, as most of my readers may know, a vampire freak. The other night, just when I was about to fall asleep, I got a brilliant idea for a new book (It's funny why I get my best ideas just when I'm about to fall asleep!)
And yes, I have started writing it. I just couldn't help myself, and it is turning out to become an amazing and different vampire story! I'm even trying out a new way of writing. In this book, I'm not using the I-person as I have in Magical Moon but is telling it from a third persons view - and it works perfectly!
I am dying to tell you the title of this book because I think it's fantastic, but a friend of mine told me to be careful and think about copyright! So sorry guys, you'll have to wait :-(

Those of you who love a good vampire story, will love this one with its unique twist :-) Trust me!!!

Well, this was it for now, my fingers are itching to getting back to work :-)



Second book in the Magical Moon series

I've just shipped Magical Moon off to six different agencies. I've already heard from two of them who immediately responded after reading the sales pich/query letter that it wasn't what they were looking for at the moment. But that doesn't matter - nothing I hadn't expected anyway!

It is all very exciting and I keep checking my mail several times a day, just in case, you know. Wouldn't want to miss anything - but so far, just the two turn-downs...

And yes, as you may have guessed from the title of this post, I have started on the sequel to Magical Moon. Just putting last hand on chapter one, and I'm loving it already.

The other night I stayed up half the night because I was so caught up in writing the synopsis for this second book. I have so many great ideas, and I hope you'll all love this one as much as I hope you'll love Magical Moon.
I think it may actually be better than Magical Moon... from a fantasy perspective that is. Magical Moon has a lot of love in it, this one, will be more about the power and the magical world I have created.
We will get to see Holly from in a more controllable powerful role, and William will be more visible in this one too.
And, I will try to write from different points of views as well, so I think it is safe to say that the second book will be pretty cool - if you ask me!

I plan to write three books in the Magical Moon series, and it is my intention that they're all going to be named Magical (something) - Cool, isn't it?

Anyways! I will write again soon - I promise :-)
BTW, please add yourselves as followers here, it will  make me very happy..

Bye for now.
